2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
/* $Id$ */
2009-08-21 21:21:05 +01:00
* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2010-08-01 20:22:34 +01:00
* @file newgrf_commons.h This file simplyfies and embeds a common mechanism of
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
* loading/saving and mapping of grf entities.
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
#include "sprite.h"
#include "core/alloc_type.hpp"
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
#include "core/smallvec_type.hpp"
2011-07-11 17:32:19 +01:00
#include "command_type.h"
2011-07-11 17:32:35 +01:00
#include "direction_type.h"
2011-08-27 09:42:24 +01:00
#include "company_type.h"
2008-11-22 16:04:11 +00:00
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
/** Context for tile accesses */
2010-08-09 08:10:42 +01:00
enum TileContext {
2010-08-09 11:59:30 +01:00
TCX_NORMAL, ///< Nothing special.
TCX_UPPER_HALFTILE, ///< Querying information about the upper part of a tile with halftile foundation.
TCX_ON_BRIDGE, ///< Querying information about stuff on the bridge (via some bridgehead).
2010-08-09 08:10:42 +01:00
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
* Flags to enable register usage in sprite layouts.
enum TileLayoutFlags {
TLF_DODRAW = 0x01, ///< Only draw sprite if value of register TileLayoutRegisters::dodraw is non-zero.
TLF_SPRITE = 0x02, ///< Add signed offset to sprite from register TileLayoutRegisters::sprite.
TLF_PALETTE = 0x04, ///< Add signed offset to palette from register TileLayoutRegisters::palette.
TLF_CUSTOM_PALETTE = 0x08, ///< Palette is from Action 1 (moved to SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE in palette during loading).
TLF_BB_XY_OFFSET = 0x10, ///< Add signed offset to bounding box X and Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.parent[0..1].
TLF_BB_Z_OFFSET = 0x20, ///< Add signed offset to bounding box Z positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.parent[2].
TLF_CHILD_X_OFFSET = 0x10, ///< Add signed offset to child sprite X positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.child[0].
TLF_CHILD_Y_OFFSET = 0x20, ///< Add signed offset to child sprite Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.child[1].
TLF_SPRITE_VAR10 = 0x40, ///< Resolve sprite with a specific value in variable 10.
TLF_PALETTE_VAR10 = 0x80, ///< Resolve palette with a specific value in variable 10.
TLF_KNOWN_FLAGS = 0x7F, ///< Known flags. Any unknown set flag will disable the GRF.
/** Flags which are still required after loading the GRF. */
/** Flags which do not work for the (first) ground sprite. */
/** Flags which refer to using multiple action-1-2-3 chains. */
/** Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the sprite, even if it is no action-1 sprite. */
/** Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the palette, even if it is no action-1 palette. */
2011-09-11 16:09:13 +01:00
* Determines which sprite to use from a spriteset for a specific construction stage.
* @param construction_stage Construction stage 0 - 3.
* @param num_sprites Number of available sprites to select stage from.
* @return Sprite to use
static inline uint GetConstructionStageOffset(uint construction_stage, uint num_sprites)
assert(num_sprites > 0);
if (num_sprites > 4) num_sprites = 4;
switch (construction_stage) {
case 0: return 0;
case 1: return num_sprites > 2 ? 1 : 0;
case 2: return num_sprites > 2 ? num_sprites - 2 : 0;
case 3: return num_sprites - 1;
default: NOT_REACHED();
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
* Additional modifiers for items in sprite layouts.
struct TileLayoutRegisters {
TileLayoutFlags flags; ///< Flags defining which members are valid and to be used.
uint8 dodraw; ///< Register deciding whether the sprite shall be drawn at all. Non-zero means drawing.
uint8 sprite; ///< Register specifying a signed offset for the sprite.
uint8 palette; ///< Register specifying a signed offset for the palette.
2011-09-11 16:10:09 +01:00
uint16 max_sprite_offset; ///< Maximum offset to add to the sprite. (limited by size of the spriteset)
uint16 max_palette_offset; ///< Maximum offset to add to the palette. (limited by size of the spriteset)
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
union {
uint8 parent[3]; ///< Registers for signed offsets for the bounding box position of parent sprites.
uint8 child[2]; ///< Registers for signed offsets for the position of child sprites.
} delta;
uint8 sprite_var10; ///< Value for variable 10 when resolving the sprite.
uint8 palette_var10; ///< Value for variable 10 when resolving the palette.
static const uint TLR_MAX_VAR10 = 7; ///< Maximum value for var 10.
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
* NewGRF supplied spritelayout.
* In contrast to #DrawTileSprites this struct is for allocated
* layouts on the heap. It allocates data and frees them on destruction.
struct NewGRFSpriteLayout : ZeroedMemoryAllocator, DrawTileSprites {
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
const TileLayoutRegisters *registers;
2011-09-11 16:10:09 +01:00
* Number of sprites in all referenced spritesets.
* If these numbers are inconsistent, then this is 0 and the real values are in \c registers.
uint consistent_max_offset;
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
void Allocate(uint num_sprites);
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
void AllocateRegisters();
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
void Clone(const DrawTileSeqStruct *source);
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
void Clone(const NewGRFSpriteLayout *source);
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
* Clone a spritelayout.
* @param source The spritelayout to copy.
void Clone(const DrawTileSprites *source)
assert(source != NULL && this != source);
this->ground = source->ground;
virtual ~NewGRFSpriteLayout()
2011-11-12 13:00:29 +00:00
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
* Tests whether this spritelayout needs preprocessing by
* #PrepareLayout() and #ProcessRegisters(), or whether it can be
* used directly.
* @return true if preprocessing is needed
bool NeedsPreprocessing() const
return this->registers != NULL;
2011-09-11 16:10:09 +01:00
uint32 PrepareLayout(uint32 orig_offset, uint32 newgrf_ground_offset, uint32 newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage, bool separate_ground) const;
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
void ProcessRegisters(uint8 resolved_var10, uint32 resolved_sprite, bool separate_ground) const;
* Returns the result spritelayout after preprocessing.
* @pre #PrepareLayout() and #ProcessRegisters() need calling first.
* @return result spritelayout
const DrawTileSeqStruct *GetLayout(PalSpriteID *ground) const
DrawTileSeqStruct *front = result_seq.Begin();
*ground = front->image;
return front + 1;
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
2011-05-29 17:56:22 +01:00
static SmallVector<DrawTileSeqStruct, 8> result_seq; ///< Temporary storage when preprocessing spritelayouts.
2011-05-14 18:25:45 +01:00
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
* Maps an entity id stored on the map to a GRF file.
* Entities are objects used ingame (houses, industries, industry tiles) for
* which we need to correlate the ids from the grf files with the ones in the
* the savegames themselves.
* An array of EntityIDMapping structs is saved with the savegame so
* that those GRFs can be loaded in a different order, or removed safely. The
* index in the array is the entity's ID stored on the map.
* The substitute ID is the ID of an original entity that should be used instead
* if the GRF containing the new entity is not available.
struct EntityIDMapping {
uint32 grfid; ///< The GRF ID of the file the entity belongs to
uint8 entity_id; ///< The entity ID within the GRF file
uint8 substitute_id; ///< The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available
2007-07-25 18:18:13 +01:00
class OverrideManagerBase {
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
uint16 *entity_overrides;
2007-11-12 20:40:58 +00:00
uint32 *grfid_overrides;
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
uint16 max_offset; ///< what is the length of the original entity's array of specs
uint16 max_new_entities; ///< what is the amount of entities, old and new summed
2013-01-08 22:46:42 +00:00
uint16 invalid_ID; ///< ID used to detected invalid entities;
2007-09-26 03:15:00 +01:00
virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return true; }
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
EntityIDMapping *mapping_ID; ///< mapping of ids from grf files. Public out of convenience
OverrideManagerBase(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid);
virtual ~OverrideManagerBase();
void ResetOverride();
void ResetMapping();
2007-11-12 20:40:58 +00:00
void Add(uint8 local_id, uint32 grfid, uint entity_type);
2007-06-09 03:05:51 +01:00
virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
2011-06-13 08:01:36 +01:00
uint32 GetGRFID(uint16 entity_id) const;
2010-08-11 19:50:23 +01:00
uint16 GetSubstituteID(uint16 entity_id) const;
virtual uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const;
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
2010-08-11 19:50:23 +01:00
inline uint16 GetMaxMapping() const { return max_new_entities; }
inline uint16 GetMaxOffset() const { return max_offset; }
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
struct HouseSpec;
2007-07-25 18:18:13 +01:00
class HouseOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
2007-06-09 03:05:51 +01:00
HouseOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
2007-07-25 18:18:13 +01:00
OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
void SetEntitySpec(const HouseSpec *hs);
2007-06-09 03:05:51 +01:00
struct IndustrySpec;
2007-07-25 18:18:13 +01:00
class IndustryOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
IndustryOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);
2010-08-11 19:50:23 +01:00
virtual uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const;
2007-10-04 01:59:52 +01:00
void SetEntitySpec(IndustrySpec *inds);
2007-06-09 03:05:51 +01:00
2007-06-21 18:09:10 +01:00
struct IndustryTileSpec;
2007-07-25 18:18:13 +01:00
class IndustryTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
2007-09-26 03:15:00 +01:00
virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
2007-07-25 18:18:13 +01:00
IndustryTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
void SetEntitySpec(const IndustryTileSpec *indts);
2007-06-21 18:09:10 +01:00
2010-03-18 23:12:38 +00:00
struct AirportSpec;
class AirportOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
AirportOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
void SetEntitySpec(AirportSpec *inds);
2010-02-22 14:15:48 +00:00
struct AirportTileSpec;
class AirportTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
AirportTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
void SetEntitySpec(const AirportTileSpec *ats);
2010-08-28 18:30:55 +01:00
struct ObjectSpec;
class ObjectOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
ObjectOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
void SetEntitySpec(ObjectSpec *spec);
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
extern HouseOverrideManager _house_mngr;
2007-06-09 03:05:51 +01:00
extern IndustryOverrideManager _industry_mngr;
2007-06-21 18:09:10 +01:00
extern IndustryTileOverrideManager _industile_mngr;
2010-03-18 23:12:38 +00:00
extern AirportOverrideManager _airport_mngr;
2010-02-22 14:15:48 +00:00
extern AirportTileOverrideManager _airporttile_mngr;
2010-08-28 18:30:55 +01:00
extern ObjectOverrideManager _object_mngr;
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
2010-08-09 11:59:30 +01:00
uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context = TCX_NORMAL);
2011-07-11 17:32:35 +01:00
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets = true, Axis axis = INVALID_AXIS);
2011-11-08 17:29:01 +00:00
uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile, bool grf_version8);
2011-08-27 09:42:24 +01:00
uint32 GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const struct Livery *l = NULL);
2014-01-12 18:00:19 +00:00
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16 cb_res, const GRFFile *grffile, StringID default_error);
2007-06-05 02:49:08 +01:00
2011-11-08 17:24:15 +00:00
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32 grfid, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);
2011-11-08 17:26:49 +00:00
bool ConvertBooleanCallback(const struct GRFFile *grffile, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);
bool Convert8bitBooleanCallback(const struct GRFFile *grffile, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);
2011-11-08 17:24:15 +00:00
2010-08-10 16:49:35 +01:00
* Data related to the handling of grf files.
* @tparam Tcnt Number of spritegroups
template <size_t Tcnt>
2010-08-07 21:51:07 +01:00
struct GRFFilePropsBase {
2010-08-11 08:42:47 +01:00
GRFFilePropsBase() : local_id(0), grffile(0)
/* The lack of some compilers to provide default constructors complying to the specs
* requires us to zero the stuff ourself. */
memset(spritegroup, 0, sizeof(spritegroup));
2010-08-10 16:49:35 +01:00
uint16 local_id; ///< id defined by the grf file for this entity
const struct GRFFile *grffile; ///< grf file that introduced this entity
const struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup[Tcnt]; ///< pointer to the different sprites of the entity
2010-08-07 21:51:07 +01:00
/** Data related to the handling of grf files. */
2010-08-10 16:49:35 +01:00
struct GRFFileProps : GRFFilePropsBase<1> {
2010-08-07 21:51:07 +01:00
/** Set all default data constructor for the props. */
2013-11-23 18:11:22 +00:00
GRFFileProps(uint16 subst_id = 0) :
2010-08-10 16:49:35 +01:00
GRFFilePropsBase<1>(), subst_id(subst_id), override(subst_id)
2010-08-07 21:51:07 +01:00
uint16 subst_id;
2010-02-22 14:15:48 +00:00
uint16 override; ///< id of the entity been replaced by
2007-05-15 22:36:58 +01:00
#endif /* NEWGRF_COMMONS_H */