
83 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the German Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD. It contains one broken sprite.
name = original_dos_de
shortname = TTDD
version = 0
palette = DOS
description = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.af_ZA = Oorspronklike Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) uitgawe grafieke.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الالمانية نسخة الدوس
description.be_BY = Арыґінальная ґрафіка зь нямецкай версіі Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS (немски) .
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals del Transport Tycoon Deluxe (alemany) pel DOS.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (německá verze pro DOS).
description.cy_GB = Graffeg gwreiddiol fersiwn DOS (Almaenig) o Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.da_DK = Originalgrafik fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Tysk) version.
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Deutsch) Basisgrafiken.
description.el_GR = Αρχικά γραφικά από το Transport Tycoon Deluxe έκδοση DOS (Γερμανικό).
description.en_AU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS (Alemán).
description.es_MX = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS (en alemán).
description.et_EE = Algse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOSi (Saksa) versiooni graafika.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Saksassa julkaistun Transport Tycoon Deluxen DOS-version grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS allemande).
2014-10-25 13:35:48 +01:00
description.ga_IE = Grafaicí bunaidhTransport Tycoon Deluxe, eagrán DOS (Gearmánach).
description.gd_GB = Grafaigeachd aig an deasachadh DOS (Gearmailteach) tùsail aig Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.gl_ES = Graficos da edición orixinal (alemá) de Transport Tycoon Deluxe para DOS.
description.he_IL = גרפיקות Transport Tycoon Deluxe המקורי בגרסת DOS (גרמנית).
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Njemački) izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (német) verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS (Jerman).
description.is_IS = Upprunalega grafíkin úr Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (þýsku) útgáfunni.
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe (tedesco), edizione DOS.
2013-07-10 18:46:54 +01:00
description.ja_JP = Transport Tycoon Deluxe オリジナル版 グラフィック (DOS・ドイツ版)
description.ko_KR = 오리지널 트랜스포트 타이쿤 디럭스 도스 에디션(독일)의 그래픽입니다.
description.la_VA = Graphica ex editione originale Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Germanica).
description.lb_LU = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Däitsch) Editioun Grafik.
description.lt_LT = Originali Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Vokiečių) leidimo grafika.
description.lv_LV = Oriģinālā Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (vācu) izdevuma grafika.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS (tysk).
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Duitse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS (tysk).
description.pl_PL = Oryginalna edycja grafik dla Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German).
description.pt_BR = Gráficos Originais do Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Edição DOS alemã.
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição DOS (Alemã) de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ro_RO = Setul grafic original al Transport Tycoon Deluxe pentru DOS (ediţia germană).
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из немецкой версии Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sk_SK = Pôvodná grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe (DOS) (v jazyku nemčina).
description.sl_SI = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za nemško različico DOS.
description.sr_RS = Originalni skup grafika nemačkog Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanja.
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan (tyska).
description.ta_IN = அசல் டிரான்ஸ்ஃபோர்ட் டைகூன் டீலக்ஸ் DOS (செருமன்) பதிப்பு அசைவூட்டங்கள்.
2013-06-15 16:24:20 +01:00
description.th_TH = กราฟฟิกต้นตำหรับของ Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition
description.tr_TR = Özgün Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Almanca) sürümü grafikleri.
description.uk_UA = Оригінальна графіка з Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition (німецького).
description.vi_VN = Đồ họa gốc từ phiên bản Transport Tycoon Deluxe trên DOS (tiếng Đức)
description.zh_CN = 运输大亨DOS豪华德语版原版图形包.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版 (德國版) 的圖形。
base = TRG1.GRF
logos = TRGI.GRF
arctic = TRGC.GRF
tropical = TRGH.GRF
toyland = TRGT.GRF
TRG1.GRF = 9311676280e5b14077a8ee41c1b42192
TRGI.GRF = da6a6c9dcc451eec88d79211437b76a8
TRGC.GRF = ed446637e034104c5559b32c18afe78d
TRGH.GRF = ee6616fb0e6ef6b24892c58c93d86fc9
TRGT.GRF = fcde1d7e8a74197d72a62695884b909e
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = 0b10a95c0adee710ecca9c3d676be4f3
default = You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM.
ORIG_EXTRA.GRF = This file was part of your OpenTTD installation.